Coughs Overview

A cough is an action the body takes to get rid of substances that are irritating to the air passages, which carry the air a person breathes in from the nose and mouth to the lungs. A cough occurs when cells along the air passages get irritated and trigger a chain of events. The result is air in the lungs is forced out under high pressure. A person can choose to cough (a voluntary process), or the body may cough on its own (an involuntary process).

Causes of Coughs

There are many causes for cough. Doctors classify coughs into two categories, acute and chronic. An an acute cough is one that been present for less than three weeks. Chronic coughs are those present for more than three weeks.

Acute coughs can be divided into infectious (caused by an infection) and noninfectious causes.

The easiest way to simplify the causes of chronic cough is to divide them into their locations with respect to the lungs. The categories are environmental irritants, conditions within the lungs, conditions along the passages that transmit air from the lungs to the environment, conditions within the chest cavity but outside of the lungs, and digestive causes.

  • Any environmental substance that irritates the air passages or the lungs is capable of producing a chronic cough with continued exposure. Cigarette smoke is the most common cause of chronic cough. Other cough-producing irritants include dusts, pollens, pet dander, particulate matter, industrial chemicals and pollution, cigar and pipe smoke, and low environmental humidity.
  • Within the lungs both common and uncommon conditions cause chronic cough. Common causes include asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis. Less common causes of lung-induced chronic cough include cancer, sarcoidosis, diseases of the lung tissue, and congestive heart failure with chronic fluid build-up in the lungs.
  • The passages that connect the lungs to the external environment are known as the upper respiratory tract. Chronic sinus infections, chronic postnasal drip, diseases of the external ear, infections of the throat, and use of ACE inhibitor medications for high blood pressure have all been implicated in chronic cough.
  • In addition to disease processes within the lung and air passages, diseases elsewhere within the chest cavity may also be responsible for chronic cough. Conditions within the chest known to cause chronic cough include cancer, unusual growth of a lymph node, and an abnormal enlargement of the aorta, the main blood vessel leaving the heart.
  • An often-overlooked cause of the chronic cough is gastroesophageal reflux (GERD). GERD occurs when acid from the stomach travels up the esophagus. This abnormal condition can cause irritation of the esophagus and larynx resulting in the reflex production of a cough.

Cough Symptoms

What differentiates the cause of a cough are the associated signs and symptoms. Another important factor in determining the cause of the cough is whether it is acute or chronic.

Acute coughs have been divided into infectious and noninfectious causes.

  • Signs and symptoms that point to an infection include fever, chills, body aches, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, headache, sinus pressure, runny nose, night sweats, and postnasal drip. Sputum, or phlegm, sometimes indicates an infection is present, but it is also seen in noninfectious causes.
  • Signs and symptoms that point to a noninfectious cause include coughs that occur when a person is exposed to certain chemicals or irritants in the environment, coughs with wheezing, coughs that routinely worsen when an indivdual goes to certain locations or do certain activities, or coughs that improve with inhalers or allergy medications.

The signs and symptoms of the chronic cough can be hard for doctors to assess, because many causes of chronic cough have overlapping signs and symptoms.

  • If a cough is related to environmental irritants, it will worsen when exposed to the offending agent. If a person has an environmental allergy, the cough may improve when using allergy medications. If a person has a smoker's cough, it may improve if they stop smoking and worsens with increased smoking.
  • If a person has a chronic lung disease such as asthma, emphysema, or chronic bronchitis, they may have a persistent cough or a cough that worsens with certain locations or activities. An individual may or may not have sputum with a cough, and often have improvement with the use of inhaled or oral steroids, or other inhaled medications.
  • If a cough is caused by chronic sinus infections, chronic runny nose, or chronic postnasal drip, the person will often have the signs and symptoms associated with these conditions. A person may also notice that the cough worsens when his or her problem worsens, and often the cough will improve when the underlying problem is treated.
  • If a cough is associated with medications, such as angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, the cough often begins after starting the medication in question, but can come on at any point during the use of the medication. The cough is often dry and improves when the medication is stopped.
  • A cough associated with GERD is often associated with a sensation of heartburn. This type of cough worsens during the day or when lying flat on the back. Furthermore, a sizable minority of people with a cough caused by GERD will note no symptoms of reflux, but most people will report improvement in their cough when GERD is treated properly.
  • If a cough is a warning sign of an underlying cancer, the person may have a group of symptoms. If lung cancer or a cancer of the air passages is present, the person may cough up blood. Other signs and symptoms that may warn of a cancer include worsening fatigue, loss of appetite, unexplained loss of weight, or decreased ability to swallow solid or liquid foods.

When to Seek Medical Care

In general, contact a doctor if you experience the following:

  • Cough is associated with a fever and sputum production
  • Cough fails to get better after other symptoms go away or lessen
  • Cough changes in character
  • Trial therapy shows no signs of reducing the cough
  • You begin coughing up blood
  • Cough interferes with the activities of daily living or sleep cycles
  • Call a doctor immediately if you have shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.

Most coughs do not require evaluation in the emergency department, and efforts should be made to discuss the situation with a doctor. But certain circumstances warrant emergency evaluation.

  • If you have a cough that is caused by a chronic condition, discuss what signs and symptoms warrant going to the emergency department with your doctor or specialist.
  • If you develop severe shortness of breath or chest pain with your cough, you could have any number of serious medical problems that require urgent intervention.
  • Elderly people or people with weakened immune systems who develop a cough and fever should be seen in the emergency department if they are unable to contact their doctor.
  • If you have lung disease and an acute worsening in your cough that does not respond to home therapy, you should go to the emergency department.

Cough Diagnosis

The diagnosis of a cough is based largely on the information you provide. Information necessary to help make an accurate diagnosis includes the duration of the cough, associated signs and symptoms, activities or locations that make the cough worse or better, relation between the cough and time of day, past medical history, and any home therapies already attempted.

  • In an acute cough the doctor may be able to make a diagnosis simply by interviewing the patient, and performing a physical examination. If the patient has an acute cough, chest X-rays typically do not add to the doctor's ability to make a diagnosis. Elderly people, people with weakened immune systems (i.e., from cancer, diabetes, or AIDS), and people with abnormal lung sounds on examination may benefit from an X-ray to check for pneumonia.
  • In a chronic cough, doctors will often rely on the interview and physical examination to aid them in determining what tests, if any, are appropriate in order to make a diagnosis. Many people will receive a chest X-ray to search for problems. Beyond this, other diagnostic tests may be ordered at the doctor's discretion and based on the interview and examination. Some of these tests may be ordered by a doctor, and others will require referral to a specialist. The specialist selected will depend on the suspected source of the cough.
  • It is important that the patient be an active participant in his or own own health care, and discuss with a doctor the purpose of any test ordered and what the expected results will mean.

Remedies for Cough

Home care of a cough is often directed at treating its underlying cause.

  • If the patient has an acute cough and have not been to a doctor, he or she may attempt to use over-the-counter cold remedies to relieve the symptoms. If a common cold or flu is suspected, these may provide relief until the infection resolves on its own. Acute coughs that are caused by allergies are often relieved with allergy medication, and coughs due to environmental irritants will respond to elimination of the irritating agent.
  • Home care of the chronic cough with a known cause is directed at treating the underlying cause of the cough. This should be done in close consultation with a doctor or with a specialist. Although not every chronic cough can be eliminated, many people can find relief of their cough by following their doctor's recommendations closely.

Cough Medical Treatment

The treatment of a cough will depend largely on its severity and underlying cause.

The treatment of an acute cough is directed primarily at decreasing the cough in addition to treating the underlying cause.

  • Symptomatic relief of cough can be provided by over-the-counter or prescription cough remedies.
  • Severe coughs or coughs that interfere with sleep may need remedies that include narcotic medications. If these are prescribed, avoid alcohol, driving, and operating any heavy machinery while using the medication.
  • If a bacterial infection is suspected the doctor will often prescribe antibiotics. People suspected of having a viral infection will not benefit from antibiotics, and will receive treatments directed at their symptoms only.
  • Elderly people, people with severe bacterial or viral infections, and people with weakened immune systems may require admission to the hospital to manage the underlying problem.

The treatment of a chronic cough will also be directed at treating the underlying condition. It is important to recognize that treatment may be difficult, may employ multiple approaches, and may not completely eliminate the cough.

  • If the patient has a cough caused by smoking, allergies, or environmental irritants, he or she will benefit from elimination of the offending substance. It may take several weeks for the doctor to assess the response to this approach because of the length of time required to repair damage to the lungs and air passages from the offending agent.
  • If the patient has a lung disease, he or she will often need ongoing therapy to treat the condition. Therapies used will depend largely on the type of disease. Multiple treatments are often used at the same time to help reduce symptoms. Careful adherence with the treatment will be critical to help slow the progression of any disease and to reduce symptoms. In cases where home therapy fails and symptoms worsen, the patient may need hospitalization so that additional or more intensive therapies may be attempted.
  • If the patient's cough is suspected to be caused by a medication, he or she will show improvement when the medication is stopped. When this occurs, the cough may take up to a few weeks to resolve. Another medication may be needed to replace the one the patient stopped taking.
  • If the patient is suspected of having a cough caused by GERD, he or she will need treatment to reduce the amount of acid reflux from the stomach. This is typically done with diet changes and medication. Successful treatment may take time, and multiple therapies may be needed.

Cough Follow-up

The best plan for follow-up care for a cough of any nature is to discuss when and where follow-up should occur with a doctor, or the doctor from the emergency department. Acute coughs typically get better on their own and often will not need follow-up. Many chronic coughs will take weeks to months to improve or resolve even when treatments are followed closely. Follow-up should be arranged based on this time schedule. For coughs that do not improve with standard treatments, referral to a specialist may be needed to decide the cause and best treatment.

Cough Prevention

Prevention of a cough is based on avoiding the medical problems that cause cough.

The most important aspect of prevention is to stop smoking and avoid secondhand smoke, particularly for people with asthma, chronic lung disease, and environmental allergies.

For people with GERD, prevention is aimed at diet modification, sleeping with the head of the bed elevated, and taking all medications as prescribed.

For any person who is on medication for a chronic lung disease, the best prevention is strict adherence to the doctor's prescribed treatments.

Cough Prognosis

The prognosis for a cough will vary depending on the underlying cause. After the cause has been addressed, most acute coughs will get better within 2-3 weeks. People who smoke and have a cough can expect a longer time period before the cough resolves. People with chronic cough often have more varied results, and people with chronic lung disease often have periods of resolution in addition to periods of worsening of the cough. Again, smoking will make a chronic cough last longer and should be avoided.

Sexual weakness

Sexual function is a complex blend of anatomic, neurological, metabolic, endocrine and psychic factors an important human activity. Sex is just not a physical activity but also a mental relaxation and up lift man. If any one of the partners remain dissatisfied, the family life is disturbed. The male partner always worries of his ability to satisfy his female counterpart. If there is an erection, retention and early ejaculation problem then the male subject is designated as sexual dysfunction.

A person who is unable to perform and maintain erection sufficient for mutually satisfying intercourse is known as klaibya or dhajabhanga. All the classical and compilation work of Ayurveda deals with fertility, sexuality, its problems and solution as well as positive health in a separate chapter known as vajikarana tantra. Description about vajikarana and klaibya are available in the entire span ranging from Vedas to the present day text.Aim & objective of vajikarana tantra of Ayurveda is very clear and comprehensive i.e., procreative and recreative. This includes treating the mind as well as body.Next to the need of  food, water and sleep, the sexual urge is the most powerful biological drive. The importance of this aspect  of human life is duely recognised by Ayurvedic authority in a separate section known is vajikarana  tantra. The inability to perform normal sexual desire and a willing partner is not able to have coitus with her due to lack of rigidity of the penis . Even if he manages to have erection, his anxiety will cause attacks of dyspnoea and profuse sweating and his attempts to have sex will result in a failure.Maharshi Vatsayan “Kamsutra” the famous  book of sexology is mainly related to reecreative  & charak samhita  described both procreative and recreative.

Common Causes :

Excessive masturbation.
Complete loss of desire (even in young man)
Excessive indulging in sex.
Local Injury
Enlargement of prostate gland.
Impotency with diabetes mellitus
Mumps, obesity, excessive alcohol intake, smoking & drugs intake.

Few male Sexual disorders:  

  • Inability to have coitus due to lack of erection.

  • Premature ejaculation.

  • Loss of sexual desire.

Premature Ejaculation:

Premature ejaculation is persistent or re-current ejaculation with minimal sexual stimulation before, upon or shortly after penetration and before the person wishes it and is associated with marked distress or interpersonal difficulty. Premature ejaculation is a problem experienced mainly by younger men who  masturbation when timing and control were unimportant . It may also occur after a prolonged period without sexual intercourse.

Types  of premature Ejaculation:

Neurological system premature ejaculation - often responds well to detailed psychosexual skills training to compensate for thee physiological pre-dispositional pharmacological agent

Physical Illness pre mature ejaculation -- can be caused by a number of acute diseases is acquired and occurs in all sexual situations. The most common cause is Prostatitis, other possible cause are Diabetes, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, virtually any urological pathology such as prostatic hypertropy, epilepsy, endocrine irregularities, athreoscleresis, cardio-vascular disease, generalise neurological disease, localised sensory impairement spurious polycythemia, cerebral tumours and poly neuritis

Physical Injury premature ejaculation-- it may caused by spinal cord injury, head injury, trauma to the sympathetic nervous system ,pelvic fractures and other torso trauma or localise sensory impairment.

Psychological system pre mature ejaculation—is caused by a personality characteristic that speeds ejaculation due to psychological disorder such as bipolar mood disorder, generalised anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder or one of the personality disorders.

Erectile dysfunction :

Erectile Dysfunction sometimes called impotence is the repeated in-ability to get or keep an erection  firm enough for sexual intercourse. In older men, erectile dysfunction has a physical cause such as diseases, injury or side effect of allopathic drugs any disorder that causes injury to the nerves or impairs blood flow in the penis has the potential to cause  erectile dysfunction.
Cause : Erectile Dysfunction can occurs when any of the events  is disrupted. The sequence includes nerve impulses in the brain, spinal column and area around the penis and response in muscles, fibrous tissues, veins and arteries in and near the corpora cavarnosa. Diseases such as diabetes, kidney diseases multiple schlerosis, athroschlerosis, vascular diseases and neurological diseases caused erectile dysfunction. Surgery, (specially radical prostate surgery for cancer) can also injures nerves and arteries near the penis, injury to the penis, spinal chord, prostate, bladder and pelvis can lead to erectile dysfunction, smooth muscles, arteries and fibrouse tissues of the corpora cavarnossa. Many common allopathic medicine like anti-hypertensive, anti-histamine, anti-depressant, tranquilizer, appetite suppressant and ulcer healing drugs can produce erectile dysfunction. Psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, guilt, depression, low self  esteem, and fear of sexual failure cause erectile dysfunction. Patient suffering from infection , gastric disturbances, who have undergone surgery recently, trauma, and during convalsence are likely to suffer from transient dysfunction. Other possible causes are smoking, and chronic alcoholism.

Loss of sexual desire or Libido:

Loss of libido can be result  from endocrinal dis-balance and psychological factor such as stress, anxiety, depression. There are some disease and medicines which are directly affect the sexual desire and libido.

Few female Sexual disorders:

Some diseases cause sexual dysfunction in women.


There are some common changes in the physiology of sexual function after  menopause. This is primary a result of a decrease  in estrogens and testosterone levels. As women age they also experience decreased blood flow to their genitals. Common complains include a loss of desire, diminished responsiveness and low sexual arousal. Vaginal atropy, which involves thinning, drying and irritation of thee vaginal lining, causes significant distress for thee menopausal woman. Since there are some specific sexual changes during and after menopause and often impairment of physical health, continuity of sexual function and enjoyment require flexibility and adaptability on the part of the woman and her sexual partner. Again intimate relationship , relatively free of conflict , will support and enhance the sexual relationship.

Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding:

It is the condition where women have  profuse bleeding per vagina  or heavy irregular menstruation bleeding  without any caused mostly happen in women who are older than 45 and sometimes in young girls. This may cause a sexual debility in female.,

Loss of Libido:

Loss of libido is a common problem that women face from time to time. Generally  female hormones are directly responsible for female sex drive and libido. In addition to this fatigue, stress, depression, and medication are just a few of the other possible factors that may interfere with sexual desire. Again libido can result in difficulty becoming aroused and ultimately achieving climax or orgasm.

Dyspareunia :

This is an abnormal pain during sexual intercourse. It may result from abnormal conditions of the genitalia, dysfunctional psychophysiology reaction to sexual union, forcible coition, or incomplete sexual arousal.

It is not a disease, but rather a symptom of an underlying physical or psychological disorder. The pain, which can be mild or severe, may appear in the genitals, the pelvic region, or the lower back. The condition is much more common among women.

Cause: Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease
Endometriosis, Vaginal agenesis
Vaginal duplication
Vaginal septation / dryness,
Chronic constipation
Inflammatory bowel disease
Past Surgery
Interstitial cystitis
Ovarian mass

Herbs & Minerals which are useful :

Safed Musli (Chlorophytum Borivilianum):

The dried roots of Safed Musli (also known as asparagus) are used in Ayurveda as an aphrodisiac. 

Primarily used as a tonic and rejuvenative for the reproductive system. The regular use of this herb is valuable in impotency , premature ejaculation & low sperm count in men.

It is also useful during pregnancy as a nutritive tonic for mother and fetus. Post-partum it replenishes lost fluids, prana, ojas and improves the quantity and flow of breast milk. Used in chronic leucorrhoea.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) : 

The herb helps to cure female sterility. Powder of the roots in 6gram doses can be taken with milk for 5 to 6 successive nights after menstruation.

Two to four grams of root with milk or ghee can be taken as an aphrodisiac to enhance libido. It is also beneficial for the treatment of spermatorrhoea or involuntary ejaculations. Two to four gram of powdered root can also be taken daily with sugar, honey, long pepper and ghee in the treatment of these conditions.

Shilajeet (Asphaltum) :

It is well known that Shilajeet would return the libido of people to a level of teenagers. Shilajeet increases the core energy responsible for sexual and spiritual power.  The use of Shilajeet for renewing vitality.


Garlic is one of the most remarkable home remedies in the treatment of sexual disorder. It is a natural and harmless aphrodisiac. Garlic has a pronounced aphrodisiac effect. It is a tonic for loss of sexual power .


A soup made with about 15 gms of drumstick flowers boiled in 250ml milk is very useful as a sexual tonic in the treatment of sexual disorder. It is also useful in the functional sterility in both males and females. The powder of the dry bark is also valuable in impotency, premature ejaculation and thinness of semen. About 120 gms of powder of the dry bark should be boiled in half a liter of water of about half an hour. Thirty grams of powder, mixed with tablespoon of honey, should be taken thrice daily


The juice extracted from ginger is a valuable aphrodisiac and beneficial in the treatment of sexual weakness. For better results, half a teaspoon of ginger juice should be taken with a half boiled egg and honey, once daily at night for a month. It is said to relieve impotency, premature ejaculation and spermatorrhoea.


Diet is an important factors, to begin with the patient should adopt an exclusive fresh fruit diet. Take fresh fruits and fresh  fruit juice twice daily. Concentrate on foods like nut, cereals , some green vegetables, fruits, milk, honey etc. Avoid smoking, alcohol, tea, coffee all processed canned refined and denatured foods especially white sugar and white flour and products made from them.

Life style: 

A vigorous massage with Vita-ex Massage oil is highly beneficial in the treatment of debility as it helps to revive muscular vigor which is essential for nervous energy. The nerves of the genital organs are controlled by the pelvic region. Hence cold hip bath for ten minutes in the morning or evening is very effective.

What is Diabetes?


Diabetes is recognized as a disorder of metabolic system-being caused primarily by a defecit in the production of insulin in which islet cells of the pancreas result in an inability to use carbohydrates.


 According to research, diabetes is a chronic deadly disease, associated with hyperglycemia, glycosuria, polyuria, hyperlipemia, acidosis, ketonuria, and a lowered resistance to infection.


Diabetes Mellitus was mentioned in the ancient Indies as a disease characterized by frequent urination with a sweet tasting property in the urine.


  The medical fraternity accepts that diabetes mellitus has no cure except can be kept under control; a statement that seems to be untrue but may be unawareness.


Some drugs such as Allopathic insulin, biguanides, sulphonylureas have actually helped up to a certain point in controlling the blood sugar levels and improving the quality of a diabetic person’s life but It is been observed that, about 15-20% of diabetics who are freshly diagnosed with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus have little or totally no response to sulphonylureas and each year of the treatment, almost 3-5 % of the patients who have obtained better acceptable glycaemic control, lose their receptiveness-whilst Biguanides therapy is accompanied by Iactic blood disorders, water retention, and a lot other side-effects.



A Natural Therapeutic deals with diabetes using a multipronged approach. The recovery period depends on the body constitution known in Ayurved as “prakriti’ and or a person’s health status.


Slowly and step by step through kitchen remedies, detoxification programs, and proper diets-aiming at eliminate sugar, simple carbohydrates, and emphasize complex carbohydrates, a person get healed from all types diabetes.


Since excessive consumption of protein may damage the kidneys, it is limited, fats are limited as there’s already a deficiency of pancreatic enzymes that slows down the process of fat digestion.


 A detoxification program follows to combat auto-antibodies. The detoxification programs usually begins with herbal oil massages,  herbal steam or sauna, the fasting routine follows to cleanse the body, later on, purgation therapy for the liver, spleen and pancreas care, and then, colon cleansing process to cleanse the digestive tract and reconstitute the system.


Yoga and breathing exercises are performed, and herbal formulas are prescribed to replace caffeine and repair the whole body from side-effects.


The formulas below are very good in treating Diabetes.


Diabetic Formula (DF)-1 

The ingredients include

Cassia auriculata 

Aegle marmelos

Tinospora cordifolia

Azadirachta indica

Ficus benghalensis

Andrographis paniculata  

Mangifera indica

Embalica oficinalis

Carcuma longa

Packaging: 600grams

Dose: a half teaspoon of the powder taken with water before meals-twice daily.


Diabetic Formula (DF)-2

Contains the following herbs:

Gymnema sylvestre (gudmar)

Pterocarpus bark,

Ficus bengalensis

Cinnamon tamale

Foeniculum vulgare

Memordica charantia fruits

Packaging: 600grams-powder

Dose: 3-5 grams of powder taken water or buttermilk before meals twice daily.


Diabetic Formula (DF)-3 ingredients include:

Curcuma Longa

Terminalia Bellirica

Terminalia Chebula

Embalica oficinalis

Berberis aristata

Packaging: 600grams

Dose 3-5 grams of the powder taken with cold water twice daily.


Other tips to help you dealing with diabetes;


Prepare charged water by 30grams sliver , 60grams iron/nails, and 60grams copper. Boil these things nicely in a steel or copper pot, pour the first water, dry the metals with a cotton cloth till they become clean, then put them back in a steel pot, add a liter of water, boil to the maximum, filter and drink this water hot. (Morning and evening).Take care not to burn yourself, and if you not sure of how to do this, call for more assistance.


Some other herbs you can try; asphalutum (shilajit), Commiphora mukul (guggul), Allium sativum, Trigonella foenum graecum, barbadensis, Syzygium cumini (jambul) fruit, Cedrus deodara bark (devdaar), Saussurea lappa roots (kooth), Red sandalwood (rakta chandan) bark, Symplocos recemosa (pathaanilodhra) bark.

DD  (A Natural Sugar Destroyer)

DD lowers blood glucose through raising insulin levels by interfering with Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. It reduces absorption of glucose and oleic acid in the intestine and improves uptake of glucose into cells, prevents adrenaline from stimulating the liver to produce glucose and reduce blood sugar levels.


It interferes the ability of taste buds to taste sweet and bitter flavours, enhances endogenous insulin-by regeneration/revitalisation of the residual beta cells in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.


DD dilates coronary artery and coronary circulation, causes significant decrease in peristaltic movement of muscles, and shows potent antifungal activity and cytotoxic effect on tumour cells by inducing apoptosis.


DD lowers serum cholesterol and triglycerides levels, highly useful in diabetes and hyperglycaemia, hyperdipsia, fever, glomerulonephritis, gastric ulcers, UTI, anaemia, meno-metrorrhagia and intrinsic haemorrhage. DD maintains vitality of surviving neurons in CRF (Chronic renal failure), speeds up recovery in ARF (Acute renal failure) and prevents its progression to CRF.


DD balances nitrogen in the body for anabolic activities, provides relive from oxidative stress and improves glucose metabolism. It shows strong antimicrobial, antiviral, antibacterial agents, and scavenging activity against mitochondrial lipid peroxidation.


DD acts as a potent suppressor of T cell activity, shows antibacterial activity against gram positive and negative bacteria, a strong scavenging activity against free radicals, and it inhibits reactive oxygen species production from leucocytes, enhances secretion of insulin from extra pancreatic mechanism, inhibits xanthine oxidase, and also acts as anti-diabetic agent by decreasing kidney's catalase activity.


DD shows anti-inflammatory action against different phases of inflammation without any side effect on gastric mucosa. It stimulates the function of macrophage and neutrophilia to produce leucocytosis, decreases the capillary permeability and reduces disrupted mast cells, possesses antineoplastic activity, enhances lipid peroxidation in the liver and blood of tumor-bearing models-accompanied by significant decreases in the activities of GSH-dependent antioxidant.


DD improves bacterial clearance, phagocytic and intracellular bactericidal capacities of neutrophils, stimulates macrophage culture, and thus acting an immuno-modulator. DD combats weakness, irritation, numbness of hands and feet and makes the nervous system strong. DD protects diabetics against excessive thirst, frequent urination, loss of weight, blurred vision, tingling sensation, tiredness and infections of the skin, gums and urinary system.


DD; the discovery of DD involves true wholly spiritual powers. It may take a very long time to discover something better than DD in treating diabetes, kidney and bladder problems.


How to use?

For diabetes, prepare as follow; in 150ml of boiling water or milk (diluted by 1 part water), add 3-5g of the herb, stir and take it internally.


For kidney and bladder problems; follow the same process above but always add a teaspoonful of Ghee and a half teaspoon of Honey. Also get Amiloti for external application.


Number of routines; use twice daily, first thing in the morning and last thing at bed time. 


When does a patient start feeling better?

The largest number of DD users reports good results from the third week; therefore, it is recommended that after 30 days one should test to see whether the blood sugar levels are getting to normal so that you decrease the dosage.


Dos and Donts

Fine, DD works, but kindly limit those factors that caused a disease. In this case, you are advised to quit smoking, alcohol, intake of coffee, fizz drinks, packed juices, red meat, preserved food staffs, excessive sexual activities, and also avoid constipation and consumption of sweet staffs.


Intake of 3F with home-made-juice helps regulate bowel movements. You can replace coffee and ordinary tea with Amalax Tonic. A purgative herb can be administered once in 30 days. This in turn, helps removing

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